about us

about us for the website cricencounter.com
About us

Aim Of Website

Our website (cricencounter) about us aims to provide visitors with all the information about the game of Cricket which is enjoyed in India and all over the world with great zeal. Since I too a great follower of Cricket since my childhood I am going to share all we know about the game and expect more visitors from all over the country and the world to visit our website. You all can access the information regarding the rules and regulations, the current scorecards of the game being played on that particular day, and much more according to the best of our knowledge. I want visitors who want to know about the game of cricket from all over the world must visit my website (cricencounter).

Mission Of Website

The mission of our website(cricencounter) is to attract visitors from all over the world to gain knowledge about cricket and learn more about the game in all the parts of the world where cricket is followed and not followed whether of the rules and regulations or about the latest games played across the world and about the rankings of the teams according to ICC(International Cricket Council) and all the knowledge that I can share to the best of our abilities our website (cricencounter) is the perfect place for cricket lovers across the globe.

Vision Of Website

Our website has a vision that a large number of people should gain knowledge about cricket and achieve every little knowledge they aspire to gain about the game of cricket. The vision is also to attract a large number of visitors because of which the website (cricencounter) gains popularity and more people gain literacy about the game. The vision is also to provide all the information about the game being played all over the world and the people who are passionate about the game and want to learn more about it such as the basics of the game origin of the game and where they stand in the rankings according to the International Cricket Council and also their status and statistics of the game.

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